源脚本来自 http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=12153, 但是不能支持代理服务器, 主要问题是它的”联网检测”用的是ping, Felix将其改成了wget然后判断页面上是否有forums
Patch 如下:
--- a/dbupdate
+++ b/dbupdate
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
declare -r useCount="http://bit.ly/dbupdate_count";
declare -r nIcon="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/dropbox.png";
declare -r userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; $LANG; rv: Gecko/20090924 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.3";
-declare -r internetTest="ping -c3 -w10 www.dropbox.com | grep -c '64 bytes'" ;
+declare -r internetTest="wget -qO - http://www.dropbox.com | grep -c 'forums'" ;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
#test connectivity
printf "Checking for connectivity to Dropbox servers...";
-if [ `eval $internetTest` -lt 3 ]; then {
+if [ `eval $internetTest` -lt 1 ]; then {
echo " FAIL.";
echo "Failed to connect to \"www.dropbox.com\"";
exit 1;
以下是修改后完整的 0.2.17 版的脚本:
#Originally authored by Dusten Barker. Originally created on 07sep09.
#Thanks to contributions by Herbert S., Udi M., Olivier G., Darren S., and Luke S. of
#the Dropbox Forums, and to Andy Piper of http://andypiper.co.uk!
# GNU LGPL Notice
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Dropbox is a proprietary cross-platform backup and
# syncing software, currently available for Linux, Mac OSX, and MS Windows.
# dbupdate is a script written
# to automatically upgrade the experimental build of Dropbox, which does not
# provide a software upgrade option such as found within the stable builds.
# dbupdate makes use of portions of the Dropbox project to function, such as the
# dropbox executable binary and its graphics.
# Please feel free to leave comments, bug reports, suggestions, and polite
# criticisms about this script in the Dropbox Forums thread pertaining to
# this script.
declare -r ver="0.2.17";
declare -r verdate="25jul10";
declare -r useCount="http://bit.ly/dbupdate_count";
declare -r nIcon="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/dropbox.png";
declare -r userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; $LANG; rv: Gecko/20090924 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.3";
declare -r internetTest="wget -qO - http://www.dropbox.com | grep -c 'forums'" ;
unset altInst;
unset tmpDir;
unset bitVer;
unset curVer;
unset newVer;
unset newFile;
unset getFile;
unset fVer;
unset delay;
unset pstring;
unset noUseCheck;
unset pstring;
unset tmpStr;
unset root;
unset notifier;
unset check;
unset upgrade;
unset overwriteIcons;
unset limit;
unset iscript;
unset lock;
_displayOpt () #help screen
echo "Dropbox Updater v"$ver"-"$verdate", written by Dusten Barker.";
echo "USAGE: dbupdate OPTION...";
echo "Option \"-b auto\" is implied by default unless otherwise specified.";
echo "ex: \"dbupdate -gb32 -f0.7.28\"";
echo "ex: \"dbupdate -nud 45s\"";
echo " Options:";
echo " -b 32, 64, or auto";
echo " 32 use 32 bit Dropbox version";
echo " 64 use 64 bit Dropbox version";
echo " auto automatically determine 32 or 64 bit; default";
echo " -c check if update is available";
echo " -d TIME delay for TIME; ex: 30s, 2m, &c...";
echo " -f force version, implies -u";
echo " -g use graphical download progress indicator";
echo " -h display this screen";
echo " -i HOURS install, requires su/sudo/root";
echo " 0 remove cronjob and install, place dbupdate in path";
echo " #>0 number of hours to wait between update checks";
echo " -l RATE limit bandwidth to RATE; ex: 320k, 1.2m, &c...";
echo " -n use notifier, if installed (/usr/bin/notify-send)";
echo " -o overwrite icons, do not preserve";
echo " -r allow use as root user";
echo " -u perform update. implies -c unless -f";
echo " -x do not send use count";
_checkExit () #check exit status
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then {
echo "Error $? returned.";
echo "Aborting.";
exit 2;
} fi;
_compareVer () #two-dot comparator script-foo
unset _compareVerGT;
unset _compareVerLT;
unset ver1Maj;
unset ver1Min;
unset ver1Pat;
unset ver2Maj;
unset ver2Min;
unset ver2Pat;
ver1Maj="$(echo $1 | cut -d'.' -f1)";
ver1Min="$(echo $1 | cut -d'.' -f2)";
ver1Pat="$(echo $1 | cut -d'.' -f3)";
ver2Maj="$(echo $2 | cut -d'.' -f1)";
ver2Min="$(echo $2 | cut -d'.' -f2)";
ver2Pat="$(echo $2 | cut -d'.' -f3)";
if [ $ver1Pat -ne $ver2Pat ]; then if [ $ver1Pat -gt $ver2Pat ]; then { _compareVerGT=$1; _compareVerLT=$2; } else { _compareVerGT=$2; _compareVerLT=$1; } fi; fi;
if [ $ver1Min -ne $ver2Min ]; then if [ $ver1Min -gt $ver2Min ]; then { _compareVerGT=$1; _compareVerLT=$2; } else { _compareVerGT=$2; _compareVerLT=$1; } fi; fi;
if [ $ver1Maj -ne $ver2Maj ]; then if [ $ver1Maj -gt $ver2Maj ]; then { _compareVerGT=$1; _compareVerLT=$2; } else { _compareVerGT=$2; _compareVerLT=$1; } fi; fi;
if [ $1 = $2 ]; then { _compareVerGT=$1; _compareVerLT=0; }; fi;
_installdbupdate () #install script to path and control cron job
if [ $iscript -eq 0 ]; then {
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/dbupdate" ]; then {
mkdir /usr/share/dbupdate ; _checkExit;
} fi;
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/dbupdate/dbupdate$ver" ]; then {
mkdir /usr/share/dbupdate/dbupdate$ver ; _checkExit;
} fi;
cp $0 /usr/share/dbupdate/dbupdate$ver/ ; _checkExit;
chmod +x /usr/share/dbupdate/dbupdate$ver/$(basename $0) ; _checkExit;
ln -fs /usr/share/dbupdate/dbupdate$ver/$(basename $0) /usr/bin/dbupdate ; _checkExit;
sed -i "/$tmpStr/d" /etc/crontab;
} fi;
if [ $iscript -ne 0 ]; then {
if [ ! $SUDO_USER ]; then SUDO_USER=root; fi;
sed -i "/$tmpStr/d" /etc/crontab;
echo "0 */$1 * * * $SUDO_USER if [ -e /usr/bin/dbupdate ]; then export DISPLAY=:0.0; dbupdate -nu; fi;" >> /etc/crontab
} fi;
_dbVer () #get version of current dropbox install
if [ ! -f ~/.dropbox-dist/VERSION ]; then {
echo "FAIL!";
echo "Dropbox version not detected. Aborting.";
exit 1;
} else {
read curVer < ~/.dropbox-dist/VERSION ;
} fi;
_notify () #notify-osd, if present
if [ $notifier ]; then {
if [ -e "/usr/bin/notify-send" -a -e $nIcon ]; then {
if [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then { eval "/usr/bin/notify-send -i $nIcon 'Upgrade complete.' 'dbupdate has upgraded Dropbox on this computer to v"$newVer"'" ; _checkExit; } fi;
if [ "$1" = "check" ]; then { eval "/usr/bin/notify-send -i $nIcon 'Upgrade available.' 'dbupdate has found an available Dropbox upgrade to v"$newVer"'" ; _checkExit; } fi;
if [ "$1" = "checkupgrade" ]; then { eval "/usr/bin/notify-send -i $nIcon 'Upgrade available.' 'dbupdate has found an available Dropbox upgrade to v"$newVer" and is downloading it now.'" ; _checkExit; } fi;
} fi;
} fi;
_bitAutodetect () #detect for 64bit or 32bit installed dropbox
if [ -d ~/.dropbox-dist/ncrypt*linux-x86_64.egg/ ]; then { bit=64; } else
if [ -d ~/.dropbox-dist/ncrypt*linux-i686.egg/ ]; then { bit=32; } else
if [ $(uname -m) == "i386" ] || [ $(uname -m) == "i586" ] || [ $(uname -m) == "i686" ]; then { bit=32; } else
if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ]; then { bit=64; } else {
echo " FAIL.";
echo "Try forcing architecture with \"-b\".";
exit 1;
} fi; fi; fi; fi;
# ------------------------- main ------------------------------
if [ "$1" == "moo" ]; then { echo "You're wrong if you think I have super cow powers."; exit 0; } fi;
#check if already running
printf "Getting file lock...";
lock="/tmp/$(basename $0).LCK";
exec 8>$lock; #send to handler 8
if flock -n -e 8; then :
else {
echo " FAIL.";
echo "Cannot lock $0. Aborting.";
exit 1;
} fi;
echo " Done.";
#gather options from command line and set flags
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Use \"$0 -h\" for usage and help."; exit 0; fi; #display message and quit if no command line arguments found
while getopts uchxnrgoi:f:t:d:b:l: opt
do {
case "$opt" in
b) if [ "$OPTARG" = "32" ]; then bit=$OPTARG; else
if [ "$OPTARG" = "64" ]; then bit=$OPTARG; else
if [ "$OPTARG" = "auto" ]; then bit=$OPTARG; else {
echo "The -b option argument \"$OPTARG\" is invalid.";
echo "Use \"$0 -h\" for usage and help.";
exit 1;
} fi; fi; fi;;
d) delay=$OPTARG;;
u) upgrade=1; check=1;;
c) check=1;;
h) _displayOpt; exit 0;;
t) notifier=1; #test option for notifier - hidden flag
_notify $OPTARG;
exit 0;;
x) noUseCheck=1;;
n) notifier=1;;
f) fVer=$OPTARG; upgrade=1;;
l) limit="--limit-rate="$OPTARG;;
i) iscript=$OPTARG;;
o) overwriteIcons=1;;
g) if [ -e "/usr/bin/zenity" ]; then pstring="2>&1 | sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | zenity --progress --auto-close --title='dbupdate - Dropbox...' "; unset q;
else echo "Cannot use progress indicator.";
r) root=1;;
\?) echo "Use \"$0 -h\" for usage and help."; exit 1;;
} done;
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`;
#check root;
if [ ! $iscript ] && [ ! $root ]; then {
if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then {
echo "dbupdate only requires root during install-type procedures.";
echo "If you require use by root user, force with the \"-r\" option.";
exit 1;
} fi;
} fi;
if [ $root ] && [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then {
echo "You can not use \"-r\" flag unless you are root.";
exit 1;
} fi;
#delay, if any
if [ $delay ]; then {
printf "Waiting for $delay...";
sleep $delay;
echo " Done.";
} fi;
#test for or create temporary space
if [ $check ] || [ $fVer ]; then {
printf "Looking for temporary space...";
tmpDir=`mktemp -d` ; _checkExit;
if [ -d $tmpDir ]; then {
echo " Created.";
} else {
echo "FAIL.";
echo "Could not create $tmpDir";
exit 1;
} fi;
} fi;
if [ $iscript ] && [ ! $EUID -eq 0 ]; then {
echo "You must be root to use the \"-i\" option.";
exit 1;
} fi;
if [ $iscript ]; then {
printf "Installing dbupdate...";
_installdbupdate $iscript;
echo " Done.";
exit 0;
} fi;
#check for alternate install
printf "Checking for alternate install...";
if [ -e ~/.dropbox-alt/dropbox ]; then {
echo " Found.";
} else {
echo " Not found.";
} fi;
#test connectivity
printf "Checking for connectivity to Dropbox servers...";
if [ `eval $internetTest` -lt 1 ]; then {
echo " FAIL.";
echo "Failed to connect to \"www.dropbox.com\"";
exit 1;
} fi;
echo " Done.";
#autodetect 32 or 64 bit dropbox install
if [ "$bit" = "auto" ]; then {
printf "Detecting Dropbox architecture...";
printf " Done.";
} else {
printf "Forcing Dropbox architechture... Done.";
} fi;
if [ $bit = 32 ]; then { bitVer=""; echo " (32bit)"; } fi;
if [ $bit = 64 ]; then { bitVer="_64"; echo " (64bit)"; } fi;
#determine currently installed version
if [ $check ] && [ ! $fVer ]; then {
printf "Checking currently installed version...";
echo " Done. ($curVer)";
} fi;
#see if forced version
if [ $fVer ]; then newVer=$fVer; curVer="0.0.0"; else {
#if not forced version, CHECK for latest version
if [ $check ]; then {
printf "Checking for update...";
newVer1=`wget -q --tries=3 -O - www.dropbox.com/release_notes/rss.xml | xpath -q -e "//channel/item[1]/title" | sed "s@<\([^<>][^<>]*\)>\([^<>]*\)@\2@g" | sed -e "y/\t/ /;s/ *$//;s/^.* //"`;
#sanity test; check for expected output format
if [ ! $(echo $newVer1 | tr -dc '.' | wc -c) -eq 2 ] || [ $(echo $newVer1 | awk '{print gsub("[0-9]", "")}') -le 3 ]; then {
echo " FAIL.";
exit 1;
} fi;
echo " Done.";
if [ ! $noUseCheck ]; then { eval "wget -q $limit --referer='http://dbupdate_use_count/$ver' --user-agent='$userAgent' -O /dev/null $useCount"; } fi;
_compareVer $newVer1 $curVer;
if [ $_compareVerLT = 0 ]; then {
echo "$curVer is the latest available version. Update not required.";
exit 0;
} fi;
if [ ! $upgrade ]; then {
echo "Dropbox v$curVer can be updated to v$newVer";
_notify check;
exit 0;
} fi;
_notify checkupgrade;
} fi;
} fi;
#preserve icons
if [ ! $overwriteIcons ]; then {
_compareVer $curVer 0.8.55;
if [ $_compareVerGT = $curVer ]; then {
printf "Backing up icons...";
mkdir $tmpDir/backupIcons ; _checkExit;
if [ -d ~/.dropbox-dist/icons/ ]; then {
cp -r ~/.dropbox-dist/icons/* $tmpDir/backupIcons ; _checkExit;
echo " Done.";
} else {
echo "Does not exist. Skipping.";
unset overwriteIcons;
} fi;
} fi;
} fi;
#download upgrade
if [ $upgrade ]; then {
printf "Downloading update. This may take a few minutes...";
newFile="dropbox-lnx.x86"$bitVer"-"$newVer".tar.gz" ;
getFile="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17/"$newFile ;
eval "wget $q $limit --referer='http://dbupdate' --user-agent='$userAgent' -O $tmpDir/$newFile $getFile $pstring &" ; _checkExit;
echo -n ' ';
while pgrep wget &>/dev/null; do {
printf "\b${sp:i++%${#sp}:1}" ;
sleep 0.25;
} done;
echo -e "\b Done";
while [ $testing -eq 0 ]; do {
sleep 0.5s;
if [ -z "$(pidof zenity)" ]; then {
pkill wget;
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then { echo "Operation cancelled."; exit 1; } fi;
} fi;
} done;
#check download
#printf "Verify download...";
if [ ! -e $tmpDir/$newFile ] || [ $(stat -c%s "$tmpDir/$newFile") -le 10000 ]; then {
echo " Verify download FAIL.";
exit 1;
} fi;
#echo " Done.";
#install upgrade
if [ -e /usr/bin/dropbox ]; then {
printf "Stopping Dropbox...";
killall -q dropbox; #_checkExit;
sleep 1;
killall -q dropbox; #_checkExit;
sleep 1;
echo " Done.";
} fi;
printf "Installing Dropbox $newVer...";
rm -fr ~/.dropbox-dist ; _checkExit;
tar xzf $tmpDir/$newFile -C ~/ ; _checkExit;
echo " Done.";
#restore icons
if [ ! $overwriteIcons ] && [ -d $tmpDir/backupIcons ]; then {
printf "Restoring previous icons...";
cp -r $tmpDir/backupIcons/* ~/.dropbox-dist/icons ; _checkExit;
echo " Done.";
} fi;
#install alternate
if [ $altInst ]; then {
printf "Updating alternate install...";
cp -r ~/.dropbox-dist ~/.dropbox-alt ; _checkExit;
echo " Done.";
} fi;
#start Dropbox
printf "Starting Dropbox...";
if [ -e /usr/bin/dropbox ]; then {
~/.dropbox-dist/dropbox start &
echo " Done.";
} else {
~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd start -i &
echo " Done.";
} fi;
if [ $altInst ]; then { #start alt
printf "Starting alternate Dropbox...";
~/.dropbox-alt/dropbox start &
echo " Done.";
} fi;
_notify upgrade;
echo "Complete.";
} fi;
rm $lock
请问楼主脚本是更新dropbox用的吗?如何使用,我刚安装dropbox for linux 不太懂